Perkin-Elmer CCB E-Notebook Software

The Perkin-Elmer e-Notebook and Inventory (a.k.a. CBOE) software systems are delivered to users through Citrix virtualization, which allows PC, Mac, and other client computers to use the software.

Follow the steps below to access both applications via Citrix (VPN is not necessary on- or off-campus):

Go to and a login window will appear.

Enter your NetID in the username field. The NetID is a 6-digit code comprised of three letters followed by three to four numbers (e.g. ABC123 or ABC1234) that is obtained when signing up for a Harvard Key.* 

Enter the password for you Harvard email account in the password field

Select “” from the domain drop down menu.  

*If the login fails while using your NetID as username, try using all of the characters that appear before the @ symbol of your Harvard email address as your username (e.g. if your Harvard email address is, then use randomperson as your username).

Once logged in, you will see icons that will allow you to launch the e-Notebook and/or the Chemical Inventory (“ChemBioOffice Enterprise”). The username and password required to log in to these applications are distinct from the username and password used to log into Citrix. The username and password for the e-Notebook and Chemical Inventory are emailed to each individual user by Alexa Popillo from CCB facilities.


1.  The system uses a newer Citrix client (the “Citrix Receiver”). You will be prompted to install this software if it is not currently on your computer.  The Citrix Receiver application has some very nice features, including the ability to add the application icons to your desktop to avoid a layer of username/password entry.  This is accomplished by adding a "store" to the Citrix Receiver application preferences, pointed to the server URL above.

If you have any trouble with launching the Citrix applications, the likely fix is to uninstall any old Citrix software from your computer.  Information on installing and uninstalling the Citrix software can be found in the support files near the bottom of [this page].

2.  The new system uses a new type of Reaction section for chemistry notebooks, and this has some important implications.  Some new features will not work with pages that predate the upgrade, though old pages will still be viewable and editable.  

    1. If you use a notebook page template, you need to delete the reaction section from your template and create a new one.  
    2. If you use the Batch Explorer, to avoid problems you need to start a fresh notebook page to start a new batch or synthesis route.  
    3. You will not be able to copy and paste entire reaction sections from old pages to new ones.  You can still copy-paste text or chemical structures regardless.
    4. Basically, old notebook pages may cause confusing errors if you try to mix them with new notebook pages.

The project team can be reached at for any of the following:

  • Questions about the migration.
  • Access to the Citrix server or the Perkin-Elmer software.
  • Bug Reports:  Please email a description of the problem, with a screenshot of any error messages.

Training Resources:

Video:  Harvard E-Notebook What's New 2014


Video:  Harvard E-Notebook Brief Training 2011

Video:  Harvard Inventory Brief Training 2011

Other Resources:

HUIT Citrix Support Documents


Windows Access Instructions726 KB
Mac Access Instructions3.49 MB
Getting Started: Inventory44 KB