#ShutDownSTEM CCB Town Hall


Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 1:00pm to 3:00pm


Zoom: Link provided by email

The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology embraces the call for a national STEM stand-down on Wednesday, June 10, to identify specific steps we can take as individuals and as a community to accelerate the eradication of systemic racism at Harvard and within the department.

Today, we step back from one kind of research to focus on another: Understanding the history of anti-Black racism in the nation, academic institutions, and our department. We need your voices, ideas and support. Please join us for a CCB Town Hall from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in which we will share ideas and reflections to move forward into action.

As researchers and administrators who support research, we know we must understand a problem before we can fix it. Here are a few resources to help: