In Memoriam

This page contains Memorial Minutes, tributes to the lives and service of deceased members of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology written by their colleagues. This practice started in 2000; as such, we do not have remembrances for all our past faculty. Obituaries that are not Memorial Minutes are marked with an asterisk (*).

If you would like to add a colleague to this page and have an obituary to contribute, please contact Yahya Chaudhry. For information on earlier Memorial Minutes, contact the Secretary of the Faculty. A list of pending Memorial Minutes and guidelines regarding their preparation are also available.


Bartlett, Paul Doughty

Bloch, Konrad Emil

Doering, William von Eggers

Evans, David A. (C&EN Obituary)

Kistiakowsky, George Bogdan

Klemperer, William

Knowles, Jeremy Randall

Lipscomb, William Nunn, Jr.

Nash, Leonard Kollender

Richards, Theodore William* (Remembrance provided by Dudley Herschbach)

Rochow, Eugene George

Westheimer, Frank Henry

Wilson, E. Bright